Tips for Utilizing Small Garden Spaces
Often I get asked if gardening in a few raised beds is really worth it, and how much one can really expect to harvest from it? The answer really depends on if you are utilizing the space well. When I first began gardening I absolutely was not planting my raised beds or containers to their full potential to justify the amount of money and time I was spending to grow them. But after a few years of really getting the hang of kitchen gardening, I realized how beautiful and productive they can truly be planted to be.
Think about the hanging baskets of flowers we find at nurseries - packed with as many plants as possible. Or the gorgeous layered porch pots that many spend $$$ to have professionally planted.
“Now here’s the secret - you can do the same thing with vegetables! ”
3 tips for maximizing your veggie garden harvest:
Add trellises for vertical gardening
Mix large, medium, and small plants in the same beds so that there is no bare soil
Be prepared to keep your garden pruned to make sure all plants stay healthy and happy
The goal is to plant in a way that show -no- soil.
How Can I Get More Help?
When I work with gardeners, especially those in the Detroit area that already have gardens, a lot of our work together is problem solving what’s going wrong in the moment. Whether it’s through my virtual coaching program or down in the dirt work with me one on one, if getting support in your garden this year is on your list, let’s talk.